First, we want to apologize for not posting anything in so long. We had been stealing internet from our landlord (she knows) since we got here. But, the connection wasn't strong enough and so just when I would be finished writing the whole post on Kona, the connection would die and I would lose anything. Yesterday, Adam and I went to Verizon and finally got hooked up. We now have a MiFi. It's basically an internet hotspot that you can take with you anywhere you go and have wireless internet. It's pretty cool, so that's how I'm able to post stories now.
Kim and me by Rainbow Falls:
Rainbow falls is in this really lush rain forest that has these huge Banyan Trees that are really pretty. Here's Adam and Kim in the Banyan Tree:
Next, we decided that we wanted to "frolic in a waterfall", and we found an entry in our guide book that promised just that. So we pulled out car off the road at the mile marker our book instructed us to do so at. We donned our newly purchased reef shoes and started on our trek on the "short 10 minute hike" that the book promised. There was a ton of mud and the trees were thick.... the book should have told us to bring machetes because at some points, we weren't even sure if we were still on a trail. Long story short, eventually the trail just got completely lost and so we turned around to go back. We did see the waterfall that they promised we could frolic in, but we just couldn't figure out how to get close to it. So, we have no pictures and did no frolicking. But, we were good and muddy and ready to continue on to Kona
To get to Kona, we took the northern route around the island and drove through lush rain forests that quickly turned into volcano land. Lava rocks are everywhere in the northern part of the Big Island. It took us about 2hrs to get to Kona via the norther route. We were told that it's quicker to cut through the middle of the island on Saddle Road, but Hertz told us we weren't allowed to take our rental car. Anyway, we got to the Sheraton and went in to unload our things and relax a bit.
We did go to a beach that day as well. The concierge told us it was one mile down the road and that we could walk. We think that she needs to check her odometer because it was at least 2 miles and it was hotter than you know what outside and we were in the blazing sun the entire way. Once we got there we were disappointed. There were a lot of rocks and the waves were pretty high and strong. People were going in and snorkeling but mostly with reef shoes (we hadn't brought ours to the beach). No one was really laying on the beach either because the sand was coarse and just not comfortable. We were weenies and left pretty quickly. We found out later that this is one of the best places to snorkel.... we've been back since and will write about it soon. It took us FOREVER to get home because we wanted to take the trolley but couldn't find it and then couldn't find a cab. It's a good thing we left when we did, because we had to get ready for the luau that we had bought tickets for.
The Luau we went to was at the Royal Kona Hotel. Again, the concierge told us that a cab ride to the Luau would cost us $7. Try $25!!! This lady needs to check her information. Anyway, this Luau had open bar, and a buffet, along with a show.
Here we are before the show:
They cook the pig in something called an "imu". It's basically a pit, and they cook in there all day. This is what the pig looks like when take it out of the imu.
We enjoyed the open bar, mostly mai tais. Beth learned what heartburn was for the first time and had to cut back on the mai tais. We tried lots of knew things including poi and lomi lomi. Poi is made from a root (like Kava - hahaha) and is ground up into a sort of liquidy paste. Adam had tried poi before but Kim and I had not. I really wanted to like it. I enjoy most foods and have a pretty open mind but........ it was horrible! It tasted like rotten cheese! Kim didn't like it either. I later found out from people at work that if it sits out too long it can turn sour - so maybe that was the case. I just can't bring myself to try it again yet. The lomi lomi was ok. It's basically salmon and tomatoes chopped up into a salsa. I should have taken pictures but I didn't. We're going to another Luau when our friends Lesa and Matt come to visit in a few weeks so we'll take pictures then.
Anyway, here we are at dinner:
The show at the Luau was pretty good. They had all sorts of Polynesian dancers and showed you all the different ways you could tie a sarong. The fire dancer was our favorite part of the show.
Here's a video of the fire dancer..... hopefully it works!
We went out to a bar in Kona after that for a few drinks and then took our $25 cab ride home. Luckily, on the way home, we met Dennis from Cruisin Taxi. Dennis is the dispatcher and one out of three drivers for this family owned cab company. He didn't stop talking the entire time he drove us home, but he did stop the meter when it hit $20. We gave him a $5 tip to thank him. We see more of Dennis later on our next visit to Kona which I'm sure we'll be writing about soon
The next day we had to head back to Hilo relatively early so that Adam and I could go get our TB tests read. No fun. So we went into town to find a cool place to eat breakfast. This was possibly the best part of our trip to Kona. The breakfast spot is called Java on the Rocks. This, and it's sister restaurant, Huggos, were established long enough ago, that they were grandfathered into the zoning laws regarding how close a business can be to the water. So, this place is literally on the rocks. It's pretty outside, under a tent, and on the beach. There's no floor, just sand.
Here's the outside of Java on the Rocks from the street:
Here's the view from where we had our breakfast:
Here are Kim and I enjoying our coffee. Our table was literally right in front of where we're standing. It was great!
That's pretty much it for our quick trip to Kona. Adam and I checked in to work later that day and had satellite tv installed in our place, with the NFL package, of course! Did you know that most football games are at 7am Hawaii time? Did you also know that Adam can miraculously get out of bed that early on a Sunday??? Promise it won't be so long until our next post since our internet is now up and running!
Hahah I love that Adam is up at 7 for football :) Kona looks like so much fun! I can't wait to see the waterfalls and hopefully "frolic" in some too... Great job with the video :) See you soon!!!