Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Sues and Chris on the Big Island

For this post, I'm going to refer you to Susie's blog. We are having an awesome time with them! We were in Kona last weekend and plan to head over to Honolulu this weekend. It's the rainiest we've ever seen it here in Hilo this week.... poor Sues and Chris! So, Sues and Chris are heading over to Kona tomorrow to get out of the wet and they're leaving us behind! Check back on the Big Island Travel Blog for more stories to come! Mahalo!


  1. You guys rock. I had such a great time. Now hurry up and get back to Boston so we can prepare for Vegas!

  2. Hi Beth & Adam...
    We just can't wait for our visit to Hawaii next week...every passing day brings more and more anticipation and excitment!! Susie's blog is amazing...we are so looking forward to seeing both of you...we miss you sooo much!!
    All our love, Mom & Dad.
